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Position:Home>History> Government question?

Question: Government question!?
Why did the colonists write the Declaration of Independence!? What is the philosophical foundations of the US government!? Be sure to include the philosophical foundations!. What rights did the colonists feel were most important!? Why did they feel this way!? What is the most important right you feel we have as Americans!? Why!? How can that right be protected!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The colonists wanted freedom from having to be taxed without representation and the "tyranny" of George III!. This was their statement to England to say we are part of you no longer, as well as a statement to other countries to say that they were independent!.
The philosophical foundations came fromt the enlightenment philosophers, in particular John Locke who had the idea that people had the right to life, liberty and the right to property!.Www@QuestionHome@Com