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Question: How does television effect History!?
I was wondering how television effects the world and our American history!? Someone asked me this question and i did not know the answer!. Thank you for helpingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thinking back to Nikita Khrushchev, banging his shoe on the desk and accusing the U!.S!. of spying -- the U!.S!. denied it until he pulled out the proof!. Of the Zegruder film of the JFK assassination and how Arthur Schlessinger was then able to paint Kennedy as the fallen hero -- completely ignoring the 2,510 men he'd murdered in the Bay of Pigs Invasion!. Everyone today thinks of the short Kennedy years as Camelot!. All thanks to TV!. And the History Channel is a poor excuse!. They gloss over the pertainent facts to package everything up and market it neatly!.
TV changed the outcome of the Vietnam war!. Even Gen!. Giap (commander of the North Vietnamese Army) has stated that TV and the liberals changed the out come!. That we had them after the "Tet Offensive" "Failed!." The news media in the west made it seem that it was a great success and convinced the U!.S!. that it should give up and go home!. Gen!. Giap was shocked!.
After over 6 years of war, we've lost just over 4,100 men!. Sounds horrible doesn't it!? If you do the math, that's about 4 men per week!. Do you realize that the Russians lost over 375,000 in the battle of Stalingrad alone in WW II!? That over 200,000 men died in the first hour at the Battle of the Somme in WW I, or that Gen!. Patton in the later half of 1944 lost on average 1,300 men ever three weeks!? Just imagine how those wars would have ended had the news media been able to broadcast live, the results as they were happening back then!. It's not the TV, nearly as much as it is the guy shooting the footage and the producer egging him on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a tricky question in todays world!. It can have positive and negative effects!.
The problem is these hour long shows that make a long story into a short one!.
They don't go into detail and many of the important facts are skipped!.
Many times I've noticed mistakes or misinformation on the history channel, discovery channel, etc!.
Unless it's a 8 hour mini-series or 4 hour documentary or such, television is good for an out-line on a topic and you're better off getting a book for all the important facts and details!.
Another problem is when television shows movies made by Hollywood producers that have the money to make a movie in their opinion of the ways things happened and aren't the way it really happened, examples would be Oliver Stone and Spike Lee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Marshall McCluhan said "The medium is the message!."

Shane Hipps says television changes the way we relate to information!. It has made us more tribal in that we all see the same things as though we all were around the pre-historic campfire together listening to the same oral history!. For example we all know the same things about 9/11 because we all saw it from the same camera angle!.

Since history is about passing information about the past on, we all will access that information differently than people of the past did, and will naturally react to it differently than they did, and that reaction will become a part of history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a lot like the printing press' effect on history!. It allows people to get information a lot quicker and easier than they would elsewhere!.

It doesn't really effect history itself other than the fact that we can now access the past a lot quicker through channels like The History Channel and the Discovery Channel!. I suppose it will stand in history itself as one of the better technological achievements, but it doesn't really effect history itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We don't have to wait for tomorrow's newspaper to read about what happened yesterday!.
We don't have to buy People's Magazine to find out who's getting married, divorced or buried in Hollywood!.
The news from Vietnam, via TV, reached us much faster than the old news reels of WW II, which were shown in the local movie theatres!.
All we have to do is just tune into CNN or our local stations!.

Television doesn't effect/change History, only the way in which we, individually, perceive it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well what happens on TV is on a scale to 1-10 is 5th true
like 911 in 2001 in New York it was on TV!. And plus the things thats on TV affect history because the things we do know come from watching tv not meaning watching tv is bad or anything!. Well most likely Tv affect our future not our past, and TV was invited in the early 1900s, thats why in february 2009 they say that all Tv's without cable won't workWww@QuestionHome@Com

It gave us an oppurtunity to view more cultures and people around the world!. It gave us an oppurtunity to create things with our minds by working projects such as cartoons and movies, and it also helped us view what important things were going on in the world at that moment that the news covers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It does not effect the true study of history, but it does alter the study of pop history!. Look at the History Channel, it really shoud be called the Civil War/World War II channel!. It seems that is the only history people tend to watch, forget about reading it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com