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Position:Home>History> Any Political Science Teachers....I am going for an interview to teach political

Question: Any Political Science Teachers!.!.!.!.I am going for an interview to teach political science!.!.!.!.!?
and US history 2 and I was wondering if any one who teaches/ has taught these subjects can give me a heads up on some of the things they might ask me during my interview or just some things you think I should know that would help me out!. I have taught world and US history and also psychology before but not for a while so I am a little excited and nervous! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's hard to answer because there are several theories on what to ask during interviews!.

I have had friends asked to teach a sample lesson, but I would assume that you would have been told ahead of time!.

Classroom management is a big issue!. Teaching methods are another!.

I brought my portfolio, with a handful of lesson plans and two sample projects, some rubrics, and some tests, with me, but no one ever asked to see it!.

Just be yourself!. You don't want to pretend to be something you're not and end up with a department chair, dean, or principal that wants you to be Mr!. Law and Order when you're really Mr!. Laidback!. And, of course, vice versa!.

I'm surprised you said "political science," because the new trend in the field is to call it "government!." If they're still calling it poli sci where you are interviewing, it could mean that the department head or dean is old school!. That should give you some insight into what to expect!.

If it helps you at all, the current topics for most government classes are Foundations (what is government, Locke/Hobbes/Montesquieu, Review of how we came to be, what is democracy, the Constitution, federalism, checks and balances), the Public (political socialization, public opinion, poll taking, conservative vs!. liberal vs!. populist vs!. libertarian, demographics), political participation (like voting, protesting, etc!.) Political parties/media/interest groups, A huge section on the three branches, public policy, civil rights and civil liberties, and state and local governments!.

Just remember, poli sci, especially American government, is NOT a history course!. Don't get bogged down in the Miracle at Philadelphia and all of that!.

Maybe know a handful of legislation that changed the US, and a handful of supreme court cases!.

Oh, one interesting debate teachers in the field have is whether or not they should reveal their political opinion to their students!. Have your own personal answer to that question and be prepared to defend it!.

Finally, this year is a great year for poli!. sci because of the election!.

Good luck! You didn't tell us if it would be just American government or comparative politics as well!. If it is comparative politics, I'd know China's government structure, at least!. Maybe Iran, Pakistan and India too!. Oh, and Britain!. They all like to explain the parliamentary system!.

But, again, don't overprep!. You may not be asked any content at all, and it could all be about teaching strategies and finding out what's in your bag of tricks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to teach US history and US government at the high school level!. I have been in graduate school the last year and half, but I will go back to teaching high school next month!.

Are you interviewing for a high school teaching position or a post-secondary teaching job!? I taught two classes of world civilization as a graduate assistant, but I never had an interview for a post-secondary position!.

I have had several interviews this summer before I was offered a position!. Much of the questions were concerned with classroom management and the use of technology!. Two of the interviewers asked what I would do in hypothetical situations in handling students and/or parents!. I guess the key to answering those questions is to say what the interviewer is looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com