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Position:Home>History> What were the religious beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin?

Question: What were the religious beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin!?
how did they differ!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Franklin respected and tolerated all religions!. He had no religious affiliation and was considered a deist!. Jefferson is a little more complicated!. He did have a Protestant backround, but did not consider himself belonging to any specific church!. Jefferson considered himself a deist!. Franklin and Jefferson both admired Jesus and his work but did not consider him divine; only human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mudbug, that doesn't make him a Christian!. In fact that's a qutie anti-Christian thing to do, since he rejected large segments of the Bible, in fact attacked it fairly passionately!. He was a deist and he saw Jesus as a great moral teacher; but he wasn't "Christian" in the traditional sense!.

Franklin was equally agnostic/ambivalent!. He admired Jesus but was hostile to religious dogma and, like most Enlightenment figures, was determined that it should be separate from virtue!.

They were both secular and pluralistic in terms of religion and, in the context of the time, could in some ways be called anti-religious, or a least against established religion as it existed, though not to the extent that someone like Tom Paine was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thomas Jefferson was a Christian!. He compiled a book named the Jefferson Bible which included all of the sayings of Jesus that he cut out of the Bible and pasted together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com