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Position:Home>History> Why civilization started in mesopotamia, not in china, americas or somewhere els

Question: Why civilization started in mesopotamia, not in china, americas or somewhere else!?
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That is actually debated!. Some other more ancient cites have been found in Egypt that show evidence of everything from walled settlements to a static economy!. The dating is very close!.

The reason is because agriculture is simple there!. Why did man settle in the first place!? Because he realized that he wouldn't have to follow the herd if he could raise his own crops and animals!. Areas like the Nile Valley and the Cradle of Civilization are key pieces of real estate when you want a simple learning curve for agriculture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Civilization started in Africa and then some moved to fertile region of Mesopotamia and Levant! The reason civilization flourished there is 'available sources', eg water, fertile land etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

civilization did not start in mesopotamia, but flourished there because it was a fertile land which allowed for advances in agriculture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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