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Position:Home>History> When Does Yahoo Answers Consider a Question Not a Question??

Question: When Does Yahoo Answers Consider a Question Not a Question!?!?
My serious question regarding Holocaust Denyers has been removed by Yahoo Answers - excuse - "Not a question or answer!."
Please help by doing anything any sane and knowledgable person can do!. How is my question NOT a QUESTION!?
How can Klan, Nazis, Fascists and other fanatics be allowed to post questions that make my skin crawl!? YA allows hate speech and advocating murder but does NOT allow a person to question why this is allowed!!
Please help!.
I'm not sure how - but if enough people stand up for what's right - and complain when Holocaust Denyers, Gay Bashers and Klan members force feed us with their lies - YA has to do something!
In Germany, what this Fuqyu3 said is a CRIME! And YA tells me I haven't asked a question!.
Please help us all by joining in!. We can't let Hitler win NOW!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't let it get to you, Hockey Fan,if someone wants to they can report anything!.
Someone once asked, what was the last item taken off rationing after WW2 !? I answered , bananas, which was the correct answer and someone reported it as " not an answer " and they deleted my answer!.
Yahoo has to act if they get a " report ", don't take it personal and keep pluggin' away!.

You're right, there are some unscrupulous people in this forum, it gets frustrating and unfair!. I know how you feel, my uncle and namesake was killed in the " Ruhr Pocket " of Germany in 1945!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This may get removed because it's not a history question, but here's my attempt at answering you!.

I have seen Holocaust Denier questions deleted!. You have to get a respected member to flag it!. (You get that status, according to YA, by having a good track record of flagging questions!.)

Anyway, if your question wasn't a sincere question, but instead an attempt to incite or start a conversation, it will be labeled "not a question!."

This isn't a discussion board, but instead its a question/answer forum!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If YA answeres could vote on these things - you'd have mine!.
I try not to get annoyed at the immature little *@£$S=_+s anymore - I just report them

Best wishes - I hope you get un-reported
