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Position:Home>History> Why was a summer in the 1960s termed 'summer of love'?

Question: Why was a summer in the 1960s termed 'summer of love'!?
Which year was it, and why was it so called!?

All we get now are summers of rain lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1967, it specifically refers to the heights of the hippie counterculture, centred in San Francisco (specifically the Haight-Ashbury district) ; thousands of hippies gathered there in a flourishing of revolutionary creative expression, left-wing and anti-establishment politics, sex, drugs and music; free drugs, free food, free property, free love and "expansion of the mind"!. It became a place of pilgrimage for hippie-oriented young people across America and beyond and the focus of their attempts at cultural and communal utopia, and got a lot of media attention, especially with the Monterey Music festival in June 1967!.

A lot of famous bands and musicians were connected to the Summer on various levels too; people like the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane and The Mamas and Papas in particular; groups like The Beatles and Beach Boys began to embrace psychedelic music around the same time!.

tempting!.!.!. is right that the hippie experiment ended up turning extremely bitter as it always would; it ended up sinking by the end of the sixties in a mixtureof addiction and sexual disease, as well as disillusionment and the increasing disdain of the rest of America!. But that didn't really happen during the summer of love but after it, so the summer is kind of remembered as the zenith of the hippie movement, after which it began to sour!. The Summer of Love of '67 is often contrasted to the Manson family murders of 1969 (hippies went on a serial-killing spree around the San Francisco) as symbols of how much the experiment disintegrated over those 2 years; though, while perhaps unseen, the problems had probably begun already in 1967!.

The phrase refers to the orgy of sexual freedom associated with the phenomenon and also to the general political outlook of the hippies (peace, love, flowers etc) !.

Some music from the period;

it was the summer of 1967!. this was the year of the hippie movement!. everyone was free and happy go lucky!. they loved everyone and everything (except soldiers and government)!.

This summer of love came crashing to a halt when San Francisco turned into a drug and disease infested hell, brought on by the same free-love, hippies that thought they could create a Utopia!. so next time hippies want to change the way the world thinks, just remind them that they've tried that before, and failed miserably!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was the hippy era, hippies were all about peace and love, young men started wearing there hair long, they dressed in colourful clothing, and took LSD, and believed in peace and free love, and flower power, The pill had just come on the market so there was the availability of sex without the risk of pregnancy, it was a time when young people thought that actions didn't need to have consequences, how wrong they were!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
