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Position:Home>History> What were some of Abraham Lincoln's underline racism?

Question: What were some of Abraham Lincoln's underline racism!?
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(That should be "underlying")

Well, he was a man of his time!. And, a leader can only be so far ahead of his people!. So, we shouldn't be too surprised to learn he *was* more racist than we would like to think of him!.

I don't know too much about the subject myself, though I do recall that he said repeatedly that blacks should not be given equal rights to whites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Racism in any form has been around in the United States since it was colonized; so don't make Abraham Lincoln out to be the bad guy!. Remember, the Europeans brought those ideals with them to America and implanted them here!. Read below with an opened mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really don't know that Abraham Lincoln was a racist!. The newly formed Republican Party, in which he was their nominee, had the abolition of slavery as a part of the platform that they were running on!. Doesn't sound racist to me, and I'm a Southerner!.

His Emancipation Proclamation ONLY freed slaves in areas STILL HELD by the Confederacy!. It DID NOT INCLUDE areas where slavery existed that were under Union/U!.S!. control (i!.e, coastal North Carolina, Maryland and Federally occupied parts of eastern Virginia, southern Louisiana around New Orleans at the time)

There was an economic reason for freeing the slaves!. Northern industrialists had to pay their employees while Southern slave-holders did not have to pay their slaves!. The Southern slave-owners had to pay for the feeding, clothing, housing of their slaves!. There was more wealth in the South than in the North, but it was such by the toil and sweat of all those slaves!. Northerners never saw that!. They only saw the money, power and influence that Southerners in Congress possessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com