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Question: I need help with editorial!.!.!.for history!?
"write an editorial about the civil war from the point of view of a union supporter or a confederate supporter!. explain why the war must be fought and what is at stake!. remember that an editorial is an opinion piece -- you write what you feel!."

ok and i have no clue what to write, can you please help!?!?

please please pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm sure that many people can state what their feelings are as of today regarding the war!.If you've had a relative, how very far removed, that died!. in war you may want to echo their thoughts!.:" Our fathers fought the British so that our children would have the freedoms that we dint have under the tyranny of England" many of our Brethren were loyal to the crown, it was only with dogged determination, and he sacrifice of many a good man, that we would claim this land for our own!.To disrupt their good works by ripping asunder what they fought and died for ,would be a travesty not to be undertaken, The men from the north believed that their forefathers had established the kind of government that was needed to carry on the dreams of the founders of the declaration of independence!.We the people , meant all the people, not just a few that were marching to their own drummers !.The north was for a strong central government, , that which was essential for the strength of these United States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is a suggested text, written much in the way of it might have been written at the time!. Reshape it to suit yourself!.

Our Union, the Union forged on the anvil of revolution and war, the union crafted by the greatest minds of the Age of Enlightenment, that brilliant union which came to be with the last signature on the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, that stellar union which stands as a rebuke to those who would impose a state religion upon their subjects, must not be rent asunder by the infernal practice of slaveholding!.

Our union must be preserved at any peril!. To take gun and sword against our fellow American Citizens is an odious and repellent action not likely to be blessed by the Lord!. Yet we must!. Can we even contemplate the suffering of George Washington and the brave fellows who stood firm in the blood freezing cold of Trenton, the valiant stand against the acursed British, the long, back breaking days and hunger of our heroic lads who won the day against the most unequal of adversaries if we hesitate this day to do our duty for the Union!?
Jefferson would weep!. The Massachusetts man, John Adams, would pull his shroud about his patriotic eyes to shield his sight from the vision of disunion!.
Our goodly women of motherhood, our innocent and blessed children will weep for those of us who respond with alacrity to the call of our Country!. Bitter tears of regret will flow copiously from the homes and fall cold upon the husband abandoned hearths of our beloveds!. But answer we must, shoulder our muskets we will!. Our Country calls for us to muster forth and to prevent its unthikable disunion, its dismemberment!. To save our America must we take up the weapons of war and with earnest heart do what is required of us!.

Let no American in possesion of a body able hesitate to answer the call!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were a Southern supporter, you would write an editorial how it was unfair that the South had to change its way of life!.

If you are a Northern supporter, you write how slavery was wrong and the South had no business firing on a Union fort!.

My several times great grandfather was one of the survivors of the Monitor!. So I side with the North!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not you, ergo, my opinion means NOTHING!
Especially to your teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, you need to identify for your teacher the date of your editorial because motives varied!. Preserving the Union was important to white soldiers at the beginning and only after they associated with people of color during the war did they see that ending slavery was the right thing to do!. Moreover, no one wanted a civil war even after Lincoln was elected and it began only when South Carolina's troops fired upon Ft!. Sumter!.
So, if I were writing a newspaper editorial s a Union supporter in response to Lincoln's call for volunteers to put down the Rebellion by the so-called confederate states I would write something like the following:

April 20, 1861!. From the editor of the Washington Press (a fictitious newspaper)!.

On April 12, 1861, our disgruntled fellow Americans in South Carolina fired upon Ft!. Sumter, which defends Charleston from foreign attack!. The attack was unprovoked and constitutes irrefutable evidence of rebellion against the lawful government of these United States!.
President Lincoln has responded by asking for volunteers to put down this rebellion!. As editor of the Washington Press I echo that call!.
These United States are the only government on this earth established on republican principles!. Throughout the rest of this planet people are subjects of their kings and queens!. We in these United Sates are citizens of a country in which we participate in the governance of our country by electing our representatives some of whom serve us directly in the House, others of which are selected by our state legislatures to serve in our Senate, and still others are appointed by our President and confirmed by our Senate to serve in an independent judiciary which ma issue unpopular opinions, and in the case before us, one, our president, who is elected by the states in the Electoral College, by majority vote!.
Our unhappy Confederate brothers wish to destroy this system of governance, one which has served us well for 70 years!. They wish to disrespect the memory of our Founding Fathers!. They wish to establish the precedent that any group of unhappy people have the right to seceded and establish a government more to their liking!.
We cannot allow this secession to go unchallenged because our Founding Fathers already provided a mechanism for redressing whatever grievances our Southern brothers may have!. That mechanism is the ballot box!.
Four years from now there will have been another Presidential election in which Mr!. Lincoln and his fellow Republicans may seek reelection!. At that time, if our unhappy southern brothers put down their arms, they can vote to end Republican control of the Congress and the Presidency!. It is this right, the right to vote, that must be our highest priority!. It is the only way our form of government will survive as a beacon of hope to those in Europe and elsewhere who advocate and end to monarchy!.
And so if our form of government is to be a model for anyone elsewhere we must preserve the Union as it was before secession, because to do otherwise will result in our form of government being ridiculed and rejected!.

I have no idea what grade you are in!. Good luck!. As a true Yankee I cannot offer you a defense of the Confederate position because the truth is that the ordinances of secession, the laws passed by the confederate states to justify their secession, clearly stated that they were doing so to defend their right to have slavery!. You could write an impassioned defense of slavery based on the idea that white people were superior to "the *****" and "social darwinism"!. If you choose to do so, good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com