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Question: World History - 10 POINTS!?
Which 2 of the following political units did NOT develop into unified nations until the late 19th century!? England, Germany, Italy, France, Spain

During the 19th century in Europe the forces of conservation and reaction were generally opposed by the forces of liberalism and nationalism!. Which 5 of the following favored or supported conservatism!? Congress of Vienna, Pan-Slavism, constitutional government, Quadruple Alliance, monarchy, Camillo di Cavour, Klemons von Metternich, Czar Nicholas I, abolition of slavery in the British Empire, labor union movement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Germany and Italy were unified in the late 1800's!.

Reactionary Conservatism was characterised by the Congress of Vienna, Monarchy, Metternich, Cavour, and Czar Nicholas IWww@QuestionHome@Com

Italy and Germany
Italy founded betwwen 1850-1860
Germany in Versailles (yes!!) in 1871 after victory over FranceWww@QuestionHome@Com

germany and italy
becaseu they didnt start colonizing till that time
and it was very out of style kinda
but they came late into the gameWww@QuestionHome@Com