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Position:Home>History> What's so "New" about New York?

Question: What's so "New" about New York!?
Was there ever an "Old York" or just a "York" before the city of New York!? Was the old one burned down by Indians back in the day of Abraham Washington, George Lincoln, and David Hasslehoff!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, no no!. No! That is not the question!. This is the question!.

Is it the York of an egg are yerrow, or the York of an egg is yerrow!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 1663 the Duke of York purchased the grant of Long Island and other islands on the New England coast made in 1635 to the Earl of Stirling!. The following year, the Duke equipped an armed expedition, which took possession of New Amsterdam, which was thenceforth called Province of New York, after him!.[1][2] This conquest was confirmed by the treaty of Breda, in July 1667!. In July 1673, a Dutch fleet recaptured New York and held it until it was restored to the English by the treaty of Westminster in February, 1674!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simplest answer is this!.
The first europeans to settle in the area that later became NYC were Dutch and they called their town New Amsterdam after the city of Amsterdam in Holland (their homeland)!.
When the British arrived, they attacked the Dutch and took the town for themselves, renaming it New York, after the city of York in England!.
It has been called New York ever since and obviously the State of New York gets it's name from the original town which is now a city!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

York is the name of a city in Yorkshire, in the north of England!. I believe New York was named after the English York!. many towns in America get their names from English towns, Boston is a town in Lincolnshire for instance!. And there are two Richmonds in England, one in Yorkshire and one in Surrey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The original York was founded in England in the year 71 A!.D!. but was under the name Eboracum then!. Was renamed "York" around 1000 A!.D!. New York was named after the "Old" York in England!. So, relativily speaking, New York is much newer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

York is a town in England!. When the settlers arrived in the "NEW" world they used many of the names of places they were familiar with back home!. To differentiate, they appended the moniker NEW to the old name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there was a "York" and there was a Duke of said York, or something like that, who had something to do with the founding of New York!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

York is a city in England!. also all the new's come from city from the brittish!. Like New Jersey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

new york is always changing, i live nearby and evey time i go into the citys its an adventure!. Its is always changing but somehow always the same!.!.!.!.busyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it was called York Town at some point!. You seem upset about this!. I think it meant new hope of America w/ the statue and all!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
