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Position:Home>History> How were the non-Muslims treated in the Andalusian society?

Question: How were the non-Muslims treated in the Andalusian society!?
Were the the Jewish & Christian dhimmis living under the Caliphate better treated than other parts of Christian Europe!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since the history of Muslim Spain involves a legacy of struggle between Christians & Muslim, trying to looking at the issue from a Jewish perspective would be interesting & rather natural!.

Under the rule of the Muslim Caliphs (especially the time of Abdurrahman III), the Jewish community in Muslim Spain had thrived in what became known as the golden age of the Jewish cultures!. Once the country had fallen in the hands of the Christians, the Jews were forced to leave or persecuted at the hand of the inquisition!.

According to people like Maria Rosa Menocal, a specialistt in Iberian literature, even Christians living under the Caliphate, while allowed fewer rights than Muslims, were much better off than in other parts of Christian Europe!.

I believe to understand Menocal's views one must realize that during the Middle Ages there was no equality in Christian European societies, even among Christian people!. The elite class in a Christian society had used the poor class!. So to the poor class, Muslims were people of justice!. & to the elite rich Christians class it’s an insult to be treated equally to the Jews or the poor Christians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends on what you call "better treatment"

the position of the "dhimmi" is very dependent of the whim of the ruler- and so is the amount (and the type) of the levied tax!.
The money bit is the easiest- but paying it only means that the person is allowed to stay alive
A less known part of being a dhimmi is wearing marked clothing- to make sure the dhimmi does not resemble the "faithful"
Another rule is that the dhimmis could not build new churches or synagogues nor restore the old ones

another part of the "protection" is the dhimmi is not allowed to KNOWINGLY strike a muslim!. even if atacked!.

Of course any disputes are settled in muslim courts- meaning the word of a muslim counts double than that of a dhimmi

The initial tolerance lasted as long as the threat of organised resistance!. Once the region was under stable Islamic control the unconverted Jews and Christians were segregated in special quarters, they had to wear discriminatory clothing!. Subjected to heavy taxes, the Christian peasantry formed a servile class attached to the Arab domains; many abandoned their land and fled to the towns!.
The humiliating status imposed on the dhimmis and the confiscation of their land provoked many revolts, punished by massacres, as in Toledo (761, 784-86, 797, 811-819), Saragossa from 781 to 881, Cordova (805), Merida (805-813, 828)!. The insurgents were crucified if captured!.

Back to the taxes (and one of the main reasons for revolts) - ever heard of the "devshirmeh"!? a turkish term for a practice comon in every part of islamdom- the children tax!.
boys aged from 3 to 6 were subject to the tax- usually one out of 5 were taken, tax gathered roughly every 2 years!. Then enslaved, islamised and raised as Janissaries or Mameluks (or the Saqaliba or other units of various names) then sent out to conquer other nations

Sure, the rest of Europe (or any part of the world) was no heaven!. But muslim Andalusia was not the "enlightened haven" which some propagandists claim it to beWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jews and Christians, those considered of the Book, were treated much better than in Medieval Europe because they had rights, but they were still considered legally second class people with special taxes, restrictions, and such and suffered pogroms when fanatics took over, which did happen from time to time!.
Pagans (non Book people) were treated as badly, if not worse, as the rest of Medieval Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The were treated as inferior beings, had to pay a special tax, and wear clothing that distinguished them from Muslims!.

It is not true that they were better treated than in Christian Europe!. Medieval European society was hierarchical, but the common people were not without rights!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Horrible! The Christian people suffered greatly under the hands of the moors! Until Isabella and Ferdinand liberated the region from tyranny, Christians were second class citizens! They fared better once Spain was united!.!.!. as for the Jews, they were treated like crap anywhere they went!.!.!. no offense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the People of Book were 'tolerated!.' Heretics and Pagans, of course, were not!.

They did better under the caliphate than elsewhere but still had to pay a protection tax!.

PS!. By 'they,' I meant Christians and Jews!. Pagans were most likely deprived of their freedom to liveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good answers from the others!. Let me just recommend a recent book!. Infidels: A History of the Conflict Between Christendom and Islam by Andrew Wheatcroft!. It is a very fine book with extensive coverage of events in the Iberian Peninsula!.Www@QuestionHome@Com