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Position:Home>History> The 1930's?

Question: The 1930's!?
Hey!. I'm doing research for the late 1930's and the whole 1940's!. I try to find websites on them but all that really comes up is wkipedia and other nonscense sites!. Can you people help me !?!?!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
2 WWW-VL: HISTORY: USA: 1930-1939
3 Ad*Access Timeline: 1936-1940
also Look at http://www!.history!.com/
I'm a 'history encyclopedia'!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, then I suggest you type in 1930 and 1940 into your search window!. What do you mean all you come up with is Wikipedia and other nonsense sites!? I think you want someone else to do YOUR summer school homework for you and YOU need to be a bit more resourceful and do it yourself, dear!. Ever heard of that big building they call the public library!? They have scads of book (more than you will ever be able to read) on the subject!. Get your behind in gear and get over there!. And please, no whining about how you can't get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can give info about the 20s,30s,40s!.!.!.!. gathered from my parents!. not sure if it is what you want!. my father was born 1920,he was the seventh son and had 3 sisters!. He played high school football in the late 30s!. he enlisted in the army in the 40s !. Met and married mom in this time!. I got story after story!. know what I think I'll write a book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My first thought is that you might try being more specific in your searches!. I assume you mean the 1930's and '40's in the U!.S!., yes!? If so, try searches like "Great Depression", "World War II", "Franklin D!. Roosevelt", "Dust Bowl", etc!.
What is your particular area of interest!?

(And, really, a library is a wonderful place; there are people called "librarians" who would love to assist you!)
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you tired the U!.S!. Library of Congress!? Here is the website and the direct link to what you might need!. It also as other links that might help!.


I would research WW2, for a start!. That will cover quite a bit of your era!.Www@QuestionHome@Com