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Position:Home>History> Is there proof that bloody mary is real?

Question: Is there proof that bloody mary is real!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bloody mary was Queen Mary Tudor of England - Elizabeth I sister and the daughter of Henry VIII!.

She was so called because she had numerous people beheaded and burned - she was a Catholic and England had become a Protestant country - she was attempting to "purge" it of protestants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bloody Mary (Mary I), was a real historical person who ruled England in the middle of the 16th Century!. That was not very long ago, so we can be sure she existed!. She is not like King Arthur or Helen of Troy, who were so long ago that it's hard to know if they really existed or are just legends!.

If it was necessary to prove that Mary existed, it would not be difficult!. We still have thousands of documents from those times!. Mary is buried in Westminster Abbey in London, so if we wanted to be double-sure we could dig up her body and test her DNA!Www@QuestionHome@Com