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Position:Home>History> When the first colonies were created in America, was each and every native India

Question: When the first colonies were created in America, was each and every native Indian killed !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. Actually, some of the native Indians helped some of the settlers survive, like in Massachusetts!. I was only later that the land grab began, and then there were attacks on the Indians!. Diseases like measles and syphilis, to which the natives had no immunity, caused the greatest number of deaths!.
The vast majority of the natives perished, but not all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No in the first very few in fact it went more the other way
Always did like Hurons-I think they may have been N eastern Lakota Ha HaWww@QuestionHome@Com

How could they be!? We still have Native Americans today - if they were all killed, there would not be any!Www@QuestionHome@Com