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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know of any good history websites in general, that are not the histo

Question: Does anyone know of any good history websites in general, that are not the history channel's!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These one gotta be good!

This first one is American Journeys from the Wisconsin Historical Society!. The accounts here are English translations, mostly, of the actual writings of explorers going back as far as Leif the Lucky, in his journey to the Americas in the year 1000!.

The second is from Minnesota State University!. The material here is an overview of History, Prehistory and Archeology!.

The Third is about the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe and western Asia!. The professor who put it all together has a nice easy to understand writing style and a good sense of how to put together a website!.

The last is Ohio History Central!. It's probably the best survey I've seen on the web for prehistory and early history of the midwestern US!.

dig in and have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wikipedia, very good stuff!.

Try exploring the Library of Congress website for a great source of US history information, including a tremendous library of photographic and early motion pictuer clips!.
