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Position:Home>History> What did Hitler think of Tunisians?

Question: What did Hitler think of Tunisians!?
He seemed to admire nations and people that had found glory in the past, through sophisticated ancient civilizations!. This is why he found the Italians and Greeks worthy Allies, despite them not physically being of the "Aryan" standard!.

With this in mind, what was the Nazi view on Tunisians!? The Ancient civilization of Carthage was there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As far as I know, he never truly talked at any length about the Carthaginians, but his opinion of them could probably be extrapolated from Roman thoughts about them!.

Carthage was a major city state of the Phoenician people, who were a semitic people that formed a vast maritime empire throughout the mediterranean sea!. By the time of the Romans, the Carthaginians had become the premiere city state of the Phoenicians!. The Romans called them the Punici, which descended from Poenici, which is Latin for Phoenician (hence the origin of the term "Punic Wars")!.

Romans hated Carthaginians!. Now most of our understanding of Carthage comes from Roman sources, so there is clearly some bias, but even exaggerations come from somewhere!. Carthaginians had a nasty reputation as being inscrutable merchant-barons, the kind of fellows that would sell their mother into slavery for a buck!. Everything to them was money, Carthage had no standing army (they paid mercenaries to do the work for them), no values besides what could and couldn't be bought!. Their religion practiced the ghastly practice of infant sacrifice (which is supported by archeological evidence, as well as Roman documents in later years attesting to their attempts to stamp out child sacrifice)!.

This resonated poorly with the Romans, whose heroic ideal was a virtuous farmer, who tended his crops in the fall, was a family man who loved his mother and children, and who would preform his civic duty every spring and join the legion for the war season (as the Roman Army of the time consisted of a citizen-militia)!.

It's not hard to make the jump from the Roman stereotypes of a Carthaginian to the modern stereotypes of Jews, considering that both peoples were ethnic Semites!.

Over the course of the Migration Era, The local ethnic semites of the Carthage era were supplanted first by Vandal Germans, then by ethic Moors, then by ethnic Arabs, then by ethnic Turks!.

It's likely that Hitler would have had a rather poor opinion of ancient Carthaginians, given their relationship to ethnic Jews, as well as modern Tunisians, given ther lack of Ayranism!.

also remember that the reason Hitler liked the Greeks and Romans in the first place was their practice of state socialism!. Hitler praised Ancient Sparta as the first state socialist system!. He also praised the Roman Empire, which despite being a free market economy during the Republic and early Empire, gradually declined into what could very well be called a form of state socialism, given that the Imperial Roman State took complete control of the economy, organizing workers into state controlled institutes called guilds and commercial enterprises into state controlled institutes called collegia, as well as controlling grain distribution and setting values to the money supply!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Greeks were Hitler's "worthy Allies!" (Cretan women may take serious issue with your comments!.) Nota Bene: You are not currently flying past any Police helicopters over Merthyr Tydfil by any stretch of the imagination (or anything else by any chance) are you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one can real know for sure unless you were to time travel back to when hitler was in power and ask him yourself!. I don't recall ever reading/ hearing Hitler say anything about Carthage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The SS had a two thousand strong Muslim brigade because they could be relied upon to slaughter Jews without troubling their consciences!. So he would make an alliance with anyone he could use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically, hitler was very clever and he thought him to be very intelligent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler probably thought they were beneath him like any other person or people of color!. why would they have been any different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they thought much at all about Africa, except to outmaneuver the British and try to grab oil!. Europe was always the main prize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler thought that everyone was crap except the Aryan race!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler admired Arabs but I suspect it was mainly because of their hatred for the Jews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i think Hitler think the Tunisians are half-breeds just because they don't belong to the Aryan race!.
mutter f///erWww@QuestionHome@Com

He thought they would make good slaves, as he did with all no aryan's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com