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Position:Home>History> Were there any Anceint thriving civilizations made by Africans?

Question: Were there any Anceint thriving civilizations made by Africans!?
I can't think of anything!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely not!. This is just a myth that blacks use to build up their self esteam, just like how new modern history books claim both Cleopatra and Hannibal were black when in reality they were white, black historians have also came up with such ludicrous lies as blacks first discovered America, even that Beetoven was a Euro-African (black person)!. They try to take credit for Egypt when it thrieved under white people, when blacks moved into Egypt, it was on its decline!. You look historically at the contienant, through history, it was easily conquered by Greeks, Romans, British, French, among others!. Even to this day they don't have any great civilizations!. For example, both Rhodesia and South Africa were the bread basket of Africa under white rule, which produced the majority of food for that contientant and was economically successful, however, when blacks took over, both Zimbawee (formerly known as Rhodesia) and South Africa became a disaster!. I really don't know why this is for civilizations under Africans, it could be either genetics or culture, but historically it is hard to find a civilization made by Africans that was a success other than rewritting history or making up a fictional place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you set aside the Egyptians, you still have the:

* Songhai Empire (1375 - 1591) who dominated modern-day Mali, the Niger Delta, and Burkina Faso
* Mali Empire which once reigned over that same region
* The Royal Ashanti Confederacy which was founded in 1670 and still exists within the modern-day Ghana state
* The Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Empire which is known for being the only African country to successfully defeat an industrialized European kingdom (Italy) in the 19th century
* The Wolof Empire (1350-1890) which ruled in the modern day Gambia region
* The Kingdom of Aksum which ruled over Ethiopia and is known as one of the few ancient Christian-dominated states in Africa

Africa has had as many ancient and thriving civilizations as Europe, Asia, and the Americas!. The fact that some of the people who have answered here could not think of any apart from the Egyptians reflects mostly on the lack of effort in doing even a tiny amount of research for answering questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

- Arabs are not all Egyptians, they were Greek first, and later Nubians (blacks) were intermingled!.

- There WERE very thriving kingdoms in what is now sahelian Africa (it was a better ecology then): check the Kush and the Nubian societies!. also there was Benin in western Africa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Egyptians were quite a distinct people from the Arabs, who came out of Arabia after Mohammed!. Their civilization antedated the Arab conquest by thousands of years!.

The Zulus had a flourishing society in sub-Saharan Africa but not according to Western standards (e!.g!. they never developed the wheel )!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the Queen of Sheba was Ethiopian!. I dont' know much about the civilization connected with her, though!. It may have been related to the early Egyptian civilizationl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no sub Saharan Africa has never been developed or civilized!.

the closest would be the Egyptians, but they were ArabsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Cushites were pretty well advanced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
