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Position:Home>History> What are the main differences between the Mayans and the Aztecs?

Question: What are the main differences between the Mayans and the Aztecs!?
My friend and I were talking about our ancestors and he said he was Aztec!. He said the Aztec cut off peoples heads for a sacrifice to the Gods!. I thought the Mayans did that!. What are some differences between The Mayans and Aztecs!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Mayan, Aztec, and Inca civilizations were the largest empires in the lands we now call Latin America!. The Mayans, the oldest of these three great civilizations, built their empire in what is now southern Mexico and Central America!. Mayan civilization had collapsed when the Aztecs built huge pyramids to their gods!. Their city, Tenochtitlan, was built on a lake which is the current site of Mexico City!. The Incans were master builders creating a road system to connecting their empire in the Andes Mountains!. Their influence stretched 3000 miles from northern Ecuador, through Peru to southern Chile!.

Not only were people from these three empires master builders, in their cities were artists, sculptors, mathematicians, astronomers, doctors, and engineers!. The Mayans and Aztecs created very accurate calendars and the Incas practiced brain surgery!. All three of these cultures were governed by a hereditary king!. In addition to these three civilizations, there were hundreds of smaller tribes and civilizations that inhabited the area we now call Latin America!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com