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Question: King Henry Question!?
I saw the Tudors, and watched the other Boylen girl which seemed to jump around quickly with things!. But in the movie annes sister has a son, did that happen in real life!? Did that happen in the tudors!? I can't remember!. And in the tudors anne's sister was banished from court because she was pregnant and married to someone they did not approve of and in the movie it wasn't like that!. It's confusing, I know what really happened is probably even more different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mary Boleyn was the sister of King Henry VIII's second wife, the infamous Anne Boleyn!. But she was also the king's mistress before her sister's ascendancy!. She may also have given birth to Henry's son!.

BORN: c!. 1524
DIED: 1596
Son of Mary Boleyn, and cousin of Elizabeth I!. Some claim that Henry was actually the son of Henry VIII, who was known to have had an affair with Mary, but the evidence for Henry Carey's parternity one way or the other is inconclusive!.

Why Mary was banished from Court -
In 1534, Mary secretly married a soldier and commoner called William Stafford, who she had met in Calais!.
Her sister was absolutely furious!. Mary had married without permission and below her station!. Mary Boleyn was banished from the court!. She loved her new husband but she and William Stafford had little moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pretty sure that Anne's sister did really have a son and that she didn't go to court anymore!. But I am not sure about her being banished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com