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Position:Home>History> What was the reason for Mussolini's and Clara's hanging?

Question: What was the reason for Mussolini's and Clara's hanging!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Allies were beating the Axis, namely the Italians, out of Africa, and were threatening the Italian Penninsula!. The Italians saw that Mussolini had lead Italy to ruin by allying with Germany, so King Emmanuel had him replaced with Badoglio and arrested!.

Two months after his arrest, he escaped/ was rescued by the Germans!. This saved him from being delivered to the Allies, but Il Duce was in such bad health he couldn't do much but lead a puppet government!.

He and his mistress were taken by communist partisans near Dongo as they were trying to escape to Switzerland, as they were trying to retreat with the Germans (from the advancing allies) wearing a german officer's uniform!.

Long story short, he ruined Italy through mismanagement and facist ideals, so they killed him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In medieval Italy, crooks and the like were hanged by one foot!. Mussolini had stolen Italy from the people!. Now it was pay-back time!. His poor mistress Clara, just along for the ride, was in the wrong place at the wrong time!. Far more guilty people literally got away with murder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com