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Question: Colonial Period Question!.!?
Do you think the various colonial regions(chesapeake, new england, middle and southern colonies) were more similar or different to each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The colonies can be divided into two catagories!. The ones created for profit and the one created for religious/social reasons!.

Profit Colonies:
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina (production of indigo and rice)
Virginia (tobacco, tobacco, tobacco)
Delaware, New Jersey, New York (trade, selling of land)

Religion Colonies:
Maryland (Catholics)
Pennslyvania (Quakers)
Massachusetts (Puritans)
Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecitcutt (people looking for freedom from the Puritans)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a good 1989 book, "Albion's Seed," by David Hackett Fischer, that identifies the regions in Britain from which the colonists in the different colonial regions had emigrated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com