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Position:Home>History> What can You tell me about the Pilgrims and the May flower.?

Question: What can You tell me about the Pilgrims and the May flower!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Their journey across the Atlantic did not start in England, but rather the Netherlands where they had tried to establish a colony!. They missed their mark and landed far north of where they'd intended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Pilgrims were Separatists from the Church of England!. They left England for the Netherlands, where they could enjoy religious liberty!. Some years after, they decided they needed to move on, as their children were growing up more in the ways of the Dutch than they liked (including experimenting with other religious views--can't have that!)!.

So they set sail for North America, and as mentioned above, they landed off course!. Specifically, they landed on the site of the village of Patuxet, which was wiped out a few years before by a European illness that swept the area--as tended to happen wherever natives met Europeans for the first time!. Since they had stumbled on an abandoned agricultural village, they found the land already cleared and relatively easily cultivated, so they chose to stay rather than head south to their original destination!.

Squanto had been kidnapped shortly before his village was hit by the illness, was made a slave and taken back to Europe for several years!. He finally made his way back to his native village, only to find everyone he'd known was dead and his village peopled by strangers!. It's not surprising he threw in his lot with the new colonists!.

The meal we celebrate as Thanksgiving was actually a chance encounter--a group of Indians happened by as the colonists were going to have a feast!. The colonists invited them to eat out of politeness, and the Indians agreed out of politeness!. It wasn't the welcoming, joyful display of friendship we tend to think it was!.

The Pilgrims have been given a lot of emphasis in our schoolbook history since the Civil War, to draw attention away from our earliest successful colony, Jamestown (which had its own skeletons in its closet)!.

The Pilgrims' settlement was eventually absorbed into the Massachusetts Bay Colony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe they hit the beach in 1634, (Plymouht Rock) came here because they did not like the way they were being treated because of their religion and set up a colony that caused several others to later flee it and start their own colonies because they did not like the way they were being treated because of their religion!. Is that an echo or is that history repeating itself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a long journey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Boat people that would be turned away todayWww@QuestionHome@Com

can you be a bit more specific!?Www@QuestionHome@Com