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Position:Home>History> Why is it when one goes to "Find A Grave" and looks up George Armstron

Question: Why is it when one goes to "Find A Grave" and looks up George Armstrong Custer one is not allowed to comment!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Probably because they would get a billion comments because he is so controversial!. As with many of our historical "heroes" (Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus, etc!.!.!.), there is a dark side to his story and they probably wanted to avoid the arguments that allowing comments would surely facilitate!.

Looking in other places besides wikipedia is probably best to research why he is such a controversial figure!. Try asking the opinion of the Lakota people (or as they were dubbed by Euro-christians, the Sioux)!.

I won't go too far into my personal opinion, other than to say that I would be too tempted to post a nasty (factual) comment about ol' Custer myself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

George Armstrong Custer has a mixed reputation in the American eye!. He might be a hero to some during the Civil War but is usually associated with the Battle of Little Bighorn better known as "Custer's Last Stand"!.

Here is an excerpt from the link provided about the battle:

Initially, Custer had 208 officers and men under his command, with an additional 142 under Reno and just over a hundred under Benteen!. The Indians fielded over 1800 warriors!. As the troopers were cut down, moreover, the Indians stripped the dead of their firearms and ammunition, with the result that the return fire from the cavalry steadily decreased, while the fire from the Indians steadily increased!. With Custer and the survivors shooting the remaining horses to use them as breastworks and making a final stand on the knoll at the north end of the ridge, the Indians closed in for the final attack and killed all in Custer's command!. As a result, the Battle of the Little Bighorn has come to be popularly known as "Custer's Last Stand"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

George Armstrong Custer was a glory hound on the fast track to political office!. He wanted to be president!. To get there, he needed some good victories against the Indians!.

So instead of obeying orders and waiting for the army of General Crook, he moved into the Little Big Horn area ahead of schedule and stumbled into the biggest Indian village ever built!. It was partly obscured by trees so he had no idea he was facing as many Indians as he was!.

He made a bad decision and got himself and his entire command killed!.

The reason comments have been disabled is because too many people know exactly what he was doing and why he died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Custer tends to be a controversial figure!. The decision-making that led to his being killed (along with 200+ of his men) at the Little Big Horn has been questioned ever since the dust from the battle started to settle!.

also, the fact that he died fighting Indians makes him a lightning rod for race-related criticism and controversy!. The website probably disabled comments for Custer because they don't want their forum turning into a flame-fest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most likely because he is a controversial figure and he'd get lots of hate comments!.

He is a hero like Jessie Jackson is a hero!. You love him or hate him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Custer is controversial!. Some of us here in the U!.S!. regard him as a war criminal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com