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Position:Home>History> Who did the Qing Dynasty conquer before taking over China?

Question: Who did the Qing Dynasty conquer before taking over China!?
A!. Korea
B!. India
C!. Vietnam
D!. JapanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A!. Korea!.

Located in the latter portion of the excerpt from Wikipedia:

Nurhaci's unbroken series of military successes came to an end in January 1626 when he was dealt his first major military defeat by general Yuan Chonghuan while laying siege to the Ming city of Ningyuan!. He died a few months later[1] and was succeeded by his eighth son Hung Taiji who emerged after a short political struggle amongst other potential contenders as the new Khan!. Although he was an experienced general and the commander of two Banners at the time of his succession, Hung Taiji's reign did not start well on the military front!. The Jurchens suffered yet another defeat in 1627 at the hands of Yuan Chonghuan!. As before, this defeat was the result of the superior firepower of the Ming forces' newly acquired Portuguese cannons!. To redress the technological and numerical disparity Hung Taiji in 1634 created his own artillery corps (Zh: 重军, Ma: ujen chooha) from amongst his existing Han troops who casted their own cannons from European design with the help of captured Chinese artisans!. In 1635 the Manchu's Mongolian allies were fully incorporated into a separate Banner hierarchy under direct Manchu command!. This was followed by the creation of the first (two) Han Banners in 1637 (which eventually increased to eight in 1642)!. Together these military reforms enabled Hung Taiji to resoundingly defeat Ming forces in a series of battles from 1640 to 1642 for the territories of Songshan (Zh: 松山)) and Jingzhou (Zh: 锦州))!. This final victory resulted in the surrender of many of the Mings' most battle hardened troops and the complete permanent withdrawal of remaining Ming forces from lands north of the Great Wall!. On a geopolitical level, the victory also gave the Manchus undisputed overlordship over the Mings' Korean vassal the Joseon Dynasty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A!. KoreaWww@QuestionHome@Com