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Position:Home>History> Help!things that were not yet discovered during the 1800s?

Question: Help!things that were not yet discovered during the 1800s!?
this is for my project in science!.!.!.!.!.please give a list of things that were not yeat invented by scientist!.!.!.!.!.!.especially in the field of chemistry!.!.!.please help! i need this fast!

thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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look for the guys who lived into the 1900s, then explore each topic individually to see when it was discovered!.

Here's another, more basic

? http://www!.life-after-harry-potter!.com ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Washing machines!? haha, Mobile phones!.

When was penicillin invented!? That would be a good one if it wasn't!.

Think of things, then look on Wikipedia (the best homework help!), that will tell you when they were discovered!.

Hmm!.!.washing machines and mobile phones weren't "discovered" i'm so daft, imagine that, 'oh look, I've just discoveredthe first washing machine!!"

Well I was useful!.!.not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Airplanes, X-Rays, penicillin, blood transfusions, useful computers, atomic energy, including nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, non-military useful rockets, jets, teflon, Einstein's theory of Relativity, the electron microscope, which opened up the atom to researchers, Lasers, DNA, hydrogen engines, isotopes, Kevlar, silly putty, super glue, microwave ovens, sythetic rubber, sythetic oil, plastic, polyester, fiberglass, film cartridge, SLR cameras, video games, VCRs, DVDs, LPs, cassette players, reel-to-reel tapes, microphones, radio, television, elecrtrical washing machines, refrigerators, electric stoves, LEDs !.!.!. and I could go on!.!.!. most of these have a chemical component!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Instead of relying on people answering this question, which could be inaccurate, why don't you just do some research of your own! The internet is a big magical place, and instead of wasting time asking questions on yahoo, you could have gotten your answer by looking around yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


every element discovered during the 1900s, had not yet been discovered during the 1800s!.



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