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Position:Home>History> What is the difference between an Archduchy and a Grand Duchy?

Question: What is the difference between an Archduchy and a Grand Duchy!?
Is an Archduchy the same thing as a Grand Duchy, different in name only!? Were there ever any Archduchies besides the Archduchy of Lorraine/Lotharingia and the Archduchy of Austria!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They are two separate things!.

The words come from "Grand Duke" and "Archduke", which are ranks of nobility (mainly in Germany)!. In other words, a Grand Duke rules a Grand Duchy and an Arch Duke rules an Archduchy!. There were also many other ranks!.

A Grand Duke is a higher rank than an Archduke!. There is a list of the various ranks here:


The title Archduke was first used by the rulers of Austrasia, the eastern part of the Carolingian Empire!. After that, the two examples you give (Lorraine and Austria) appear to have been the only ones that caught on!.


In England and France you don't have archiduke and grand duchy :
Given in french sorry but it's understanble, it's the same thing in both countries!.

Prince/princesse : principauté!.
Duc/duchesse : duché!.
Marquis/marquise : marche or marquisat!.
Comte/comtesse : comté!.
Vicomte/vicomtesse : vicomté!.
Baron/baronne : baronie!.
Chevalier (knight) : no specific land thisi is the lowest lord, a knight has the right to have a sword and to fight and defend the population!.

Bachelier (bachelor) : a future knight who learn how to become a knight!.

The King by definition is not in this list, holds his power from God and before being crowned could be a simple count!.Www@QuestionHome@Com