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Position:Home>History> "The first allied flag flown on the Normandy beaches was a pair of knickers

Question: "The first allied flag flown on the Normandy beaches was a pair of knickers" - anyone else heard this!?
I read somewhere that there was some famous society beauty who just before D-day finally slept with one of the Commando leaders and gave him her knickers to fly as the first flag showing a successful landing! Anyone else heard this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not that I've encountered!.
Flags marking beach zones would almost certainly have come first!.

There's always Jane, of course!. She gave up her knickers for the troops either on Jun 7th, or shortly afterwards, depending on source!.
And again, is it truth or myth!?
“It was said that the first [British] armored vehicle ashore on D-Day carried a large representation of naked Jane!.”
That would have been a Sherman DD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two seconds after they were hoisted, a German sniper put a bullet hole through them!. She was furious- They were her best pair: given to her by an American soldier who had showed her how to wear them!. "One yank and they're off"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Jim!.
I hope they were clean!.

That sounds like complete pants to me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol no but it sounds about right 2 world wars 2 world cups doda dodaWww@QuestionHome@Com
