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Position:Home>History> Interested in history and ancient kingdoms etc?

Question: Interested in history and ancient kingdoms etc!?
I am really interested in knowing more about history !. Like evolution of man, tribes, wars, kingdoms, habits of our ancestors, culture etc!. which is the best place to know more!? Any videos or documentaries online!? do suggest where i can get more material on thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wow that a lot you wanted to know! :) Ok, i just name some topics and links which come random in my mind, mostly what i am interessted in to give you an overview!. you can go deeper in specific topics!.
Kingdom of Babylon, the Egyptians, different china dynastien, Mayas, Azteken, Inkas in sout america!.
But i concentraed now only on europe, since i know it the best!.Glady i can give you videos! :D Even the History Channel isn`t always correct, it`s often a good source!.
I suggest of the video "Barbarians - The Goths"

I suggest all videos

I suggest all videos

Culture!? First in my mind, Greeks and Romans for Europe!. Democrazy and Atomos is a greek word!. The Romans and Grreks got Money!. Hell, the Romans even got windowglasses and so much more! Too much to name everything!.

Greek Mythology- The creation

Germanic Creation Myth

The Celts

Germanics Bronzetime

More i suggest you to buy some books or go into a biblothekWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is just my personal view, but I am interested in the tiny countries (particularly in Medieval Europe) and try to look at those!. (Sweden outlawed slavery before the Norman Invasion) I usally just read, going to the library, finding a book and reading it!. A good time is while the computer is loading (Sims 2 is a great game but takes ages to load)!. I also found a kit set called portable professor which are several university lectures on varying topics (I found one on Ancient Rome in my library)

Really just read, you'll be amazed at how much you'll pick up and where you'll apply it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The A&E t!.v!. network has many videos on biographies and documentaries in the areas of history, archeology, and anthropology!. Likewise, National Geographic, publishes many good books on cultures, such as the Maya!. Both, I am sure have websites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats a quite broad!. start by narrowing it down to specific areas of history your interested in!.!.!.!. cos not all history will interest you!.
try 'Guns, Germs and Steel' by Jarod Diamond!. it covers the last 13,000 yearsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Play Civilization, it will help you quite a bit and get some fun while at it too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take courses!.!. They are detailed and really interesting!.!.!. I HIGHLY recommend it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com