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Position:Home>History> How do you send pictures or e-mails to the Antiques Roadshow?

Question: How do you send pictures or e-mails to the Antiques Roadshow!?
I would like to know how to send pictures and information via e-mail to the Antiques Roadshow regarding two World War bayonettes and a classic Champion Rifle!. If you have any information as to how this can be done please let me know! Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Can ANTIQUES ROADSHOW provide information or an appraisal of my item(s) via e-mail, mail or phone!?

ANTIQUES ROADSHOW only provides free verbal appraisals at our events!. We are unable to provide appraisals or information on items via e-mail, mail, or phone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com