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Position:Home>History> A few history questions 10 points best answer!?

Question: A few history questions 10 points best answer!!?
Under imperialism, the stronger nation attempts to
dominate a weaker country
sell its products to a weaker country
create an empire
all of the above

Many Americans became more supportive of sufrage as a result of
women's activities in World War I
the Seventeenth Amendment
the Bradwell v!. Illinois decision
the repeal of prohibition

One of the main causes of the war, imperialism, involved
invading Belgium and France
acquiring uncolonized areas of the world
blockading enemy ports
acting in a nation's own interest

The German U-boat changed the rules of naval warfare because it
attacked only in the summer
remained hidden and fired without warning
avoided merchant ships
surfaced before firing its torpedoes

The death toll from World War I was
the highest for American troops
low, because of advances in weapons
extraordinarily high
high for Germany, but low for the AlliesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.) All of the above

2!.) As a result of
women's activities in World War I

3!.) Invading Belgium and France

4!.) Remained hidden and fired without warning

5!.) Extraordinarily HighWww@QuestionHome@Com

Regarding the death toll, it was extraordinarily high for both sides:

Military Casualties in World War I

Belgium 45,550
British Empire 942,135
France 1,368,000
Greece 23,098
Italy 680,000
Japan 1,344
Montenegro 3,000
Portugal 8,145
Romania 300,000
Russia 1,700,000
Serbia 45,000
United States 116,516
Austria-Hungary 1,200,000
Bulgaria 87,495
Germany 1,935,000
Ottoman Empire 725,000

1!.4 million Frenchmen could not be considered a "low" Allied casualty loss, for exampleWww@QuestionHome@Com

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