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Position:Home>History> Inj what ways did nationalism affect wwII in america??

Question: Inj what ways did nationalism affect wwII in america!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on what defention of nationalism you use!. If you use the true defention of nationalism then nationalism would have worked as a seperating force much like it did in Austria-Hungry in WWI, because in its true defination nationalism involves a nation-state and the United States is a State not a nation state (nation refers to a group of people with a common back ground like the Pols or the Arabs)!. However, if you use the other defention that many paople use today of nationalism is a a source of pride in ones nation then Nationalism worked as a central point that the american people could rally around and unite the country for a single goalWww@QuestionHome@Com