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Question: Indian scrapbook!!!!!!?
ok so for my s!.s class we have to make a scrapbook and mea dn my friends deicided to pair up and do india !.!.!. what should i put in there to make it look indian ish and were!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Vibrant, rich colours and yummy, spicy food is what comes to mind when I think of India but the Taj Mahal is the first thing many people think of, so must be included in your scrapbook!. This is a fun virtual tour site!.
This is closely followed by the tiger, the National Animal of India!. The National Bird is the peacock which is as beautiful and exotic as India itself!. The Ganges River is sacred and should be included!.

Look at this great site!.

This may be of interest!.
For general info these sites may help!.