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Position:Home>History> How did technology change the nature of fighting World War I and compare World W

Question: How did technology change the nature of fighting World War I and compare World War I to previous wars!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
New weapon systems in World War I!.

- Poison gas (heavily used by both sides)
- Machine guns (forced trench warfare)
- The first battle tanks were used
- High explosive artillery
- Pillbox defenses (trench warfare)

Unlike previous wars, World War I was remarkably stagnant!. Both sides built huge trench systems along France and fought trench to trench!. It was a total bloodbath, but because of machine guns and poison gas, troops couldn't move around as easily as they could in the past!.

The problem was, that with the new technology, armies could make an invincible defense, but offense maneuvers would be suicide!. This was mainly due to the use of machine guns combined with bad offensive tactics!. Squads would get out of their trenches and try to storm the other sides' trenches only to run into a wall of machine gun fire!. So they would just sit in their trenches, bombing each other to smithereens!. It made the war EXTREMELY costly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone needs to do their own homework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com