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Position:Home>History> French revolution vocabulary?

Question: French revolution vocabulary!?
what did these words mean during the french revolution:

state general
court nobles

What percentage of the people were part of the 3rd estate!?
Who was said to do God's work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Corvee - a type of tax which meant that every peasant could be called upon to help build roads in France!.

Gabelle - a tax on salt!.

Taille - Another tax, constituting 3/20ths of income!.

Estate General - Extraordinary legislative body comprising representatives of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates (Clergy, Nobility and everyone else)

Court nobles were those who owed their nobility to having purchased an ennobling office!.

About 95% were 3rd estate!.

Depends who you ask!Www@QuestionHome@Com