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Position:Home>History> In your opinion, who had the Greatest empire?...?

Question: In your opinion, who had the Greatest empire!?!.!.!.!?
The Persains, The Greeks, The Egyptians, The Roman, The British, or any other Empire that you can possible think of!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I don't think imperialism is great at all, but!.!.!.

The British Empire was the largest imperial power in history!. At its height in the early 20th century, a small constitutional monarchy in the British Isles controlled over a quarter of Earth's land area and population!. We're still feeling the results of British imperialism every day!.

The Roman Empire comes in at a close second, but the "known world" that Rome dominated was actually only the Mediterranean region!. Britain dominated the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd have to give the award to the Chinese!. They have a civilization that goes back thousands of years, and during most of that time they were an empire--and one that did a lot more exporting than importing!.

The West really didn't have much to offer the Chinese, but silk was a very hot commodity and sericulture was so widespread in China that even the poor wore silk clothing!.

Let's see, in imperial times the Chinese not only were major silk producers, but had also invented gunpowder, a form of printing with blocks, and had developed an early form of civil service examinations that were open to most men if they had the requisite education!.

Yes, I'd say the Chinese Empire was probably the greatest ever known to man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without a doubt the Egyptians, I mean they had by far the longest lasting "great" civilization and really influenced all the other "great" civilizations after them!. The Greeks took a lot from them the Romans took a lot from the Greeks and and almost all Western Civilization is based off of the Romans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

undoubtedly the Persian empire during 844 BC had been the greatest empire in history!. it was called the Achaemenid Empire which conquered half of Asia from the east and half of Europe from the west!. after that it was the romans!. romans and Persians ruled all of europe and asia together during 500 to 800 BC!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One would hope Eusebio, that if you are correct in your assertion, such an empire would have at least covered basic instruction in grammar and spelling!. For any further unsubstantiated opinions could I please direct you to the religious section, this is History!. Here we deal in accepted facts, not faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rome!. Western civilization inherited from Rome the Roman legal, political, cultural, engineering heritage!.
The language we are communicating with is latin,i!.e!., Roman based!. Chinese and Egyptian civilization lasted a long time but their legacy was not as enduring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Mongol Empire by far is the best!. It is the largest contiguous empire in history, and the Mongol's were the last invasion force to control all of Russia!. Try that out for size against Hitler of NapoleonWww@QuestionHome@Com

yall are all wrong and anyother answer is wrong the Lord God Almighty has the biggest empier the biggest kingdom he controlled all those empiresWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Romans!. DefineatleyWww@QuestionHome@Com

The romans
they had conquered almost all the Mediterranean
and europeWww@QuestionHome@Com


The Chinese Dynasties! Woooo!
If they weren't so isolated, they might have been a lot better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com