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Position:Home>History> Is Babylon, the historic monument in iraq under damage ?

Question: Is Babylon, the historic monument in iraq under damage !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i don't know!. But, the last outsiders to visit the ruins of the once mighty city of babloan in iraq came in tanks and helicopters, leavinga night on its historic and fragile landscape, archaeologists say!. The city, born on the banks of euphrates 5000 years ago and full of priceless archaelological treasures, was transformed !.!.!.!. Iraqi archaeologist Hadi mussa qataa, who says that the helicopter take-offs and landings, along with the tremors from the heavy rumble of armoured vehicles had damaged the city's historic monuments!. Saddam was keen to stamp his mark on the site, also home to the hanging gardens, one of the seven wonders of ancient world!. A report by the united nations educational, scientific, and cultural organisation (UNESCO) described the damage caused during the military occupation of the site as ''very serious''!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is hard to understand!. What monument are you referring to!? U!.S!. forces try to avoid fighting in the area of monuments, historical buildings, and Masques, but it does happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com