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Position:Home>History> Is there any one know who 1st discover the telescope?

Question: Is there any one know who 1st discover the telescope!?
i really forget who was disover the telescope!? may i have correct answer plz!. thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was a Dutchman called Hans Lippershey who made the first telescope, from lenses he made himself, in the year 1608, although he did not call it a "telescope" at the time!.

That name which comes from the Greek ("tele" meaning "far" and "skopos" meaning "seeing"!.) was first used 3 years later in 1611 to describe the instrument used by Galileo Galilei!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hans Lipperhey and Jacob Metius were the first to file a patent!.
Along with them, Sacharias Janssen is also credited with being among the first to build it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
