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Position:Home>History> Who don't believe that German Soldiers did that....?????

Question: Who don't believe that German Soldiers did that!.!.!.!.!?!?!?!?!?
Who don't believe that German Soldiers did that to 6 millions of Jewish people, i am not here to make them looks bad but what i don't understand how people don't believe it!.
they have all the prove and evidence that they did kill them!.
if you don't believe it please answer it!.
i am not trying to cause any trouble but i just want to understand why do some people don't believe it!?
Please say it nice way!.
thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ive seen actual pictures of it!. and videos as well!. i cried like a big baby lol!. if anyone doesnt believe that this happen is very small minded and ignorantWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are a few reasons why people don't believe it!. They are of course wrong!. It happened, and there are mountains of evidence to prove it!.

1) The sheer number of victims boggles the mind!. If a group kills 20 people, it makes national headlines!. 6 million becomes a number too high to believe!.

2) Anti semitism!. The entire world felt sympathy for the jews right after WWII!. That helped lead to the birth of Israel!. Trouble is, people have short memories!. To deny the holocaust, makes it easier to continue hating the jews!.

3) People don't believe what they don't see!. If you choose not to look at the evidence, you can deny it!. People dont believe that there were 20Mil murdered by the Soviets, or the 1 Mil Armenians murdered by the Turks!. They don't believe how many Tibetans were murdered by the Chinese, or the 2 Mil Cambodians murdered by the Kamer Rouge!.

It is too easy to forget!. Rember, holocaust deniers do not choose to look at the evidence!. It doesn't fit their policy of hate!.

One other thing!. The vast majority of German soldiers thought they were fighting for their country!. The typical soldier had nothing to do with the holocaust!. That is largly why the SS hired others to work in the camps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is fact!. The mass graves of Babi Yar!. Thousands of photo's!. The liberated death camps and photo's of the same!. the evidence of systemically stolen wealth from Jewish families and the evidence of actual harvesting of human bodies for by products like gold from false teeth, wigs of human hair, soap from rendered down human beings!. Accept it!. As horrifying as it is!. It happened!. One of my uncles even helped liberate one of the death camps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I definitely believe in it but some people don't because they were taught not to believe!. In Iraq Saddam Hussien told his people that it was just a lie and since the people just believed what ever he said they believed him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i too cant belive people dont belive im not a jew but had a great uncle in a prison of war camp he went through hell he new all about what the poor jewish people went through and he said it was worse than what he ever dreamed of the fact he weighed six stone when he came home was evidence enough for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's nothing to 'believe'; it's fact!. That would be like saying: do you believe France is a real country!? - you have to!.

Oh, and learn english grammar and punctuation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They did it!. They were soldiers and they follow orders!. Any one that say that they did not did it is wrong!. The History itself is the witnessWww@QuestionHome@Com

i believeWww@QuestionHome@Com