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Position:Home>History> If the allies had left Hitler alone, and left him to invade Poland, Russia etc..

Question: If the allies had left Hitler alone, and left him to invade Poland, Russia etc!.!.!?
Would he have still had all those Death camps!?
Were they a fundamental part of his plan, or would we have seen mass deportation instead!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hitler was emotional and sporadic, and did not think in depth or detail!. As his book reflects even with a ghost writer doing most of the work!.
Hitler wanted Germany "to be free of the Jewish presence", at first he deported and harassed them trying to take and steal everything they owned!. He would harass them and force them to pay their way out of Germany!.
The Great Depression was still alive and well and no country wanted deportees to be in competition in there job market let alone Jewish competition!.
The Jews that could leave left Germany the ones that remained were put into work camps, some managed to leave Europe other just left Germany!. A large majority of Jews went to Poland!. When Hitler and Stalin conquered Poland Hitler just got back all the Jews he just exported!. Stalin did not want the Jews either and had all the Jews in the Soviet part of Poland deported to the German side!. Stalin had been killing off Jews and other for a number of years already!.
Himmler and Heinrich and a number of other Nazi met after Poland to discuss the problem, after all what good was it to deport them and then get them right back after Germany conquered another part of Germany!. So they came up with "the final solution!." This was more to the liking of chicken farmer Himmler than Hitler!.
So yes they would have had the Death Camps prior to Poland they had work camps but after Poland they had started building the extermination camps!.
Hitler's fundamental plan was to rid Germany of the Jewish presence, restore the German Reich, and conquer Europe and make it part of the German Reich!. I do not think he thought much more about the rest of the details!. That was the problem for his cronies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man, u do surprise me!.!.!.
Hitler failed invading the USSR not because of the allies!. Regardless what we think about Stalin and communism the Russians contributed to the victory enormously and paid high price (lost some 27 million ppl)
Hitler was left alone for too long!. The biggest death camps were in Poland btw!. They were indeed a part of his plan to slay part of the population, enslave the rest and colonise the landWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it would have all happened!. Remember Hitler invaded france after Poland!. Even if France and Britain didn't declare war on him he would have taken france!. If the allies would have delayed then the Germans would have won the war!. Look at the weapons they had at the end!. The death camps were all part of his master plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if he hadnt of been stopped by now then i am sure the Germans themselves would of stopped this, somebody would of stepped up to stop him

However the Jews would of been wiped off the earth by now if that really had happened!. So they wouldnt need though concentration camps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "Objective" to fight Hitler was to liberate & defend Poland's sovereignty!
After all the unfortunate slaughter to our heroes; the question I ask, "Did we achieve our objective"!?
Therefore my answer is that we should of left Hitler alone!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The extermination of the jews started as soon as he conquered Poland This was done by shooting and the death camps were just a way of industrialising the process!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah he did invade poland and russia, etc, and he still had the death camps as part of his 'ultimate solution' he wasn't into mass deportation, he wanted them wiped from the earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The camps were existing in a rudimentary form even before the war reached the peak!. They were an essential part of his plans!. The Allies would have been overcome one after another, that's all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. There were extermination camps before the war, and Hitler always planned to eliminate the Jews etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes he would have still had them, they were a part of his plan!. The part where he wanted to exterminate all Jews and create an Arian super race!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com