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Position:Home>History> Who is this person? 1st right answer gets 10pts?

Question: Who is this person!? 1st right answer gets 10pts!?
Our teacher's offering extra credit to identify and write one paragraph on this person:

"A popular personality at the early Hanoverian court, this woman was a great patron of the arts and letters!. Despite her nickname of, "The Elephant" to describe her appearance, rumours often flew she had no shortage of admirers!. Unlike her other relations in the Hanoverian British Royal Family, her English came to be impeccable, garnering her further popularity in Britain!."

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of Darlington!.

She was King George I's half-sister!.

is this it!?
Sophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of Darlington

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