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Question: History- great depresssion!?
how waas the great depresssion a time of hope AND a time of despair!?!?!?!?

plz help!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The despair of the depression forced the hand of political change!. And yes, like someone else mentioned, people helped each other, communities came together, and the government under Roosevelt established programs that helped create jobs, and made improvements to the banking industry so people could feel safe about having their money in the bank, and much more!. The time period also witnessed innovations in science and technology as well!. The depression helped shape many of the security benefits, such as wellfare and social security as we know it today!.

I wrote an article on my blog about the Ohio River flood in 1937, and it's impact on the people of that area who were already feeling the impact of the depression to boot, it's a good example of how the people stuck together and helped each other during that era!. I've listed a link to my blog below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a time of hope because people tended to pull together!. It was a time of despair (or else it felt like despair) because people lost paper millions, and people did not know when things might get better!. Franklin D!. Roosevelt was also a beacon of hope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in the great deppression u would HOPE that it will get better and the great depression was a time when every1 went poor and depressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com