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Position:Home>History> Questions on Anne Frank and Night?

Question: Questions on Anne Frank and Night!?
These questions are the ones that my teachers marked down for 'internet' because we didn't discuss or learn them in class!. Answers to any of these questions will help tremendously thanks!.

19!. Where did Anne's family members go when they were discovered!?
23!. When did Hitler kill himself!?
24!. Wehre did the word Nazi come from!? (not National Socialists German Workers Party, where it really came from)
34!. Why didn't anyone stop Hitler sooner!?
36!. What happened to the people who helped the members of the Annex
37!. What happened to the other members of the Annex!?
38!. Why did the Nazis choose the swastika as their symbol!?
40!. Who forced Germany's ultimate surrender!?
42!. Would wealth help you avoid persecution by the Nazis!?
46!. How long did the Holocaust last!? (as precise as possible)
49!. When did the Germans take over Amsterdam!?

Best answer will be chosen by the characteristics:
1!. honesty
2!. accuracy
3!. all questions answered
4!. typed properly n0t lyK DiS
closest to these will get BAWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
19 camps

23 idk

24 everywhere!. the nazis were just following hitler!. some were from poland, some germany!.!.!.

34 nobody could!. he was a dictator and he had the power to b that way!. hitler was an incredibly inteligent man!.

36 nothing really!. meip went on with her life and after otto frank got out of the camps (for he was the only one that lived) she met up with him!.

37 they all died except for otto frank!.

38!. the swattika was origionally a buddist symbol though as to its meaning i do not know!. this symbol was changed by the nazis!. i suppose they chose it because it was easily recognizable!.

40 the united states

42 no!.!. never!.!. wealth was not a matter of which they cared about!. it was all discriminatory!.

46 idk

49 idkWww@QuestionHome@Com

anne frank scares the **** out of meWww@QuestionHome@Com

looks to me like you are trying to get others to do your home work, naughty naughty youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go to SparkNotes!.com to find your answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com