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Position:Home>History> Was portugal the first to establish a successful trade in luxury items, such as

Question: Was portugal the first to establish a successful trade in luxury items, such as spices!?
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If you mean by first a modern nation in Europe, the answer is No!. The Romans, ancient Greeks, and Phoenicians traded with Arabs and other ancient civilizations in the Middle East, which in turn traded with others via the Silk Road, at least for 2,500 years or more!.

In terms of modern trade, post-Roman Empire, Venice was the great trading depot west of Constantinople until the Europeans began exploring by sea (15th c)!. With those discoveries, the Portuguese surpassed Venice and became the hub for the spice trade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. The trading of luxury items, such as spices, goes back to the dawn of recorded history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com