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Position:Home>History> History Questions!!! please help =]?

Question: History Questions!!! please help =]!?
1!.Who attracted more immigrants---the North or the South!? Why!?

2!.How did goods move in each area!?Be specific!.

3!.Describe the climate differences between the North and the South!.

4!.Why was there more industry in the North!?

5!.List the key points of the Industrial Revolution!.

6!.How did the invention of the cotton gin effect the South!?

7!.Describe the political leaders of each region!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. north!.!.!.closer to Europe and asia!.!.!. direct sea route
2!. ships and then trains
3!. cold muggy (north) hot and muggy(south)
4!. soil not as good for growing and so they needed manufactured goods!.
5 not positive, but independence from Euorope and tycoons wanting to get rich!. times were changing!.!.!.trains made things move faster and demand was higher!.
6!. slaves werent needed as much and cotton became more plentiful (richer plantations)
7!. South was religion ruled, family, very racists!.!.North money driven and independence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com