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Position:Home>History> Can someone test me please?

Question: Can someone test me please!?
I have a big Civil War test tomorrow, i have studied for it but i was wondering if anyone can just give me some random questions and answers , so i can see if i am truly ready!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why did Lincoln fire many of his general, and why did he hire Grant!?

What theatre was Lincoln killed at!?

Was the Gettysburg cemetary dedicated before or after the end of the war!?

What is the significance of, the "Fourscore and seven years ago!.!." speech!? Who said it!? Where!? When!?

Who was the president of the Rebel states!?

Which general led the south!?

Was the war only about slavery!?

Name the two Ironclad vessels!?

Which navy was the Merrimac part of!? What of the Monitor!? Why are these 2 ships significant!? Which ship won the battle!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The American Civil war was actually about Lincoln wanting to take the entire United States into an industrial based economy and the southern states wanting to rely on 'King Cotton' as their economic base(as well as peanuts and tobacco)!. Ending slavery was an afterthought as you should learn later on (if your history teacher wants to teach the truth)!. Lincoln freed the slaves but also wanted to send them back to Africa once the war was over, he was assasinated before he could do so!. During reformation, President Grant abruptly pulled federal troops out of the south, leaving an angry white citizenry to all but enslave blacks again through sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, wholesale lynchings and other atrocities!.
Make sure your teacher give you extra credit for knowing the name of the play Lincoln was watching when he got his cap peeled:"Our American Cousin"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is the common reason in all the civil wars in the world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

what civil war!? questions posted in yahoo answers will always be seen on the whole world, not just in what country you asked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com