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Position:Home>History> If you had been there to liberate the Nazi concentration camps, what do you thin

Question: If you had been there to liberate the Nazi concentration camps, what do you think you would have said and done
To help prisoners

Holocaust WORLD WAR IIWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To help the prisoners, I think I would have been more about actions than words!. I think I would first do my best to find and remove those who were still alive to clean quarters, and begin seeing to their hygenic and medical needs!. I would burn down the typhoid and vermin-infested dwellings they were housed in once the dead were removed and accorded a dignified burial!.

I'm sure I would say soothing things, like, "I will do everything I can to help you!. No one can hurt you anymore!. I won't let them!. It's going to be allright!." Things like that, or what ever other things a person tends to say when confronted with someone who is helpless and brutalized and half-starved and crazy with fear and grief and exhaustion and sickness!.

In short, the same thing that so many DID do!.

I would probably cry a lot as well, but then, that wouldn't be helpful to the victims, so I didn't include that as part of my answer!. I also didn't include what I would have done or wanted to do with any Germans who were left, as guards or in the nearby towns!. But I'm sure you can imagine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have tried to listen to the doctors, because the inmates could die if they were given too much food or water too soon!.
It was also safer to keep the inmates where they were, as they were mostly too ill to be moved!.
To the inmates I would ensure that no weapons were on display - to reassure them, that the gates were not guarded and that help was coming!.

And I don't know how any of the people who did liberate the camps managed to do it - hats off to them all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ohh, well, I would have deffinitly shut down the concentration camps from the get-go!. After that, I would have saved the people in the ghettos and made things safer!. But I think the U!.S!. and Britain should really of gone straight to the death camps, and concetration camps and taken over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know because i don't speak RussianWww@QuestionHome@Com