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Position:Home>History> Why didnt the world prosecute the USA for the japanese holocaust in WW2 ?

Question: Why didnt the world prosecute the USA for the japanese holocaust in WW2 !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because there wouldn't have been what you call a holocaust, if the Japanese didn't bomb Pearl Harbor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

since you are probably referencing the Japanese internment camps, there is a big difference between INTERNMENT CAMPS and DEATH CAMPS!. none of the Japanese were being killed, and they had food to eat!. Though i don't deny the internment camps being wrong i am sure it wasn't as bad a the death camps in Europe!. The Japanese in the camp were not beaten, killed, or starved!. They had food, they were permitted to keep their money!. They even had schools in the camps!. it was not really a 'japanese holocaust' and i think you are poorly informed to say so!.

however if you are referencing the atomic bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, i think the world did prosecute the USA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two things at work here!.

First - By the definition of the time, there was no Japanese Holocaust!. The bombings of Japanese cities, like the Japanese bombings of Chinese Cities and the German bombings of British cities (and the American and British bombings of German cities, too) was considered a legitimate act of total war!. The atomic bombings were the same!. The targets of the bombings were always military production facilities!. The only other event which echoes the holocaust, but cannot be reasonably compared to it was the internment of American civilians of Japanese ancestory!. The reason this doesn't rise to the measure of holocaust is, quite simply, the Japanese internees were not slaughtered!. They were given sufficient food and were allowed room to grow their own gardens, and were given a modicum of health care, as well!. In short, as there was no intention of destroying the entire people in either of those events, there is no case for holocaust trials!.

Secondly, and more pragmatically, the US were the winners!. War crimes trials are what the winners are able to subject the losers to!. The rest of the world, as you put it, was made up of the US allies, and those who would not want to annoy the world's only (at the time) nuclear power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm assuming your talking about the internment camps!. Yea that was a dick move on their part!. But it wasn't as bad as the Japanese or Germans!.

also most of you don't realize that American soldiers viewed the japanese as sub-human and often took items from their bodies such as skulls or ears!. In one case, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sent a knife made out of Japanese Skulls, was published in TIME!.

Then again, the Japanese did the same to the Americans, but two wrongs don't make a right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor with out warning!. A declaration of war was delivered afterwards!. 3000 American sailors died that day!. The Japanese took every island and captured every American Man, Woman and Child that had been on that island!. The women were raped publicly and filmed!. American babies were tossed into the air and caught on their bayonets, then flung around!. Other American women were stripped and tied down!. Then water hoses were shoved up into their bodies and down their throats!. When they bloated like baloons, the Japanese soldiers stabbed them with their bayonets and watched with glee as blood and water shot out of the wounds!. All of this was filmed by the Japanese officers!.
This should answer your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your talking about the nuclear bombs, it was a legitimate act of war!. Japan would not surrender!. We were not obliged to invade the home islands and fight on their terms!. If you are talking about how bitter the Pacific war was both sides took very few POW's and the Japanese mistreated theirs!. Once the actual fighting was done we treated ours pretty humanely!. So there was no reason!. It was efficient if brutal war and should be the model for our current War on Terror!. Bush likes to compare it to WWII, but he does not fight it like WWII!. Big difference!. Leonard C!. that kind of thing was common in China and some happened in the Philipines!. But Pearl Harbor and Hawaii were never captured!. It was a carrier raid by the Japanese Kido Butain, a fast carrier force!. It was a surprise!. But there were no landings!. The crew of a Japanese midget sub were captured when it grounded and a Zero pilot crashlanded in a field and terrorized some farm workers briefly before one over powered and killed him!. That was it!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's another angle to consider--

There were extensive war crimes trials held in Japan after the war that brought to justice those men who were responsible for the worse Japanese atrocities!. These trials were on a par with the Nuremberg trials, but to this day receive far less publicity!.

Here's a link for more information:


I'm going to assume here that you're talking about the "internment camps" that all the Japanese Americans were forced into!.!.

The answer to your question is: because it was very different than the Halocaust of the Jews!.

I'm not making excuses or justifying what the US did but the fact is

The intent was simply to contain the Japanese, not exterminate them!.

The Internment camps were NOTHING like the concentration camps of Europe!.!. the Japanese suffered lack of privacy, poverty, and disrespect, and in many cases lost all their posessions they had to leave behind, but it was NOTHING like the concentration camps of EUrope

We didn't (as far as I'm aware) routinely kill the Japanese or dehumanize them in the way the Nazis did the Jews

It was unfortunate, it was unfair!.!. it shouldn't have happened, but it was nothing like the Jewish Halocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was no Japanese holocaust!. In fact, not a lot of Japanese people died!. Only 2% or so in combat!.

Now tell that to the Chinese in Nanking or Shanghai!.!. and thats a whole other matter!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com