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Position:Home>History> What happened between the years 1791-1868 in the US?

Question: What happened between the years 1791-1868 in the US!?
Can someone please help me!? Would you be able to list 10 facts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Constitution was ratified and replaced the Articles of Confederation!. The First President was elected!. The Industrial Revolution made rapid progress!. Lewis and Clark explored the northwest portion of the current US!. The Erie Canal was completed!. The Louisana Purchase was made!. The War of 1812 was fought with the British!. Many people moved to the Mexican territory of Texas!. The US and Mexico went to war of the southwestern portion of the now US in 1845 and current Texas, Texas later joined the union!. The Mason Dixon line was created!. The Dred Scott Supreme Court decision ruled that slaves were personal property and must be returned!. Gold was discovered in California at Sutter's Mill, 1849!. John Brown raided the Harper's Ferry Arsenal in what was then Virginia!. The Pony Express was created to carry mail from Missouri to California!. Lincoln was elected President causing the southern states to leave the union!. Fort Sumner in Charleston was fired on starting the Civil War!. The Battle of Gettysburg turned the tide of the war against the south!. General Lee surrendered at Appamattox in 1865!. Cattle drives started in Texas to the railroads in Kansas!. Building of the trans continental railroad was started!. Displaced civil war veterans started the migration west!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like a history assignment, much like a high school history teacher would put on chalk board or a pass out sheet!. they do not want us to do the work, they want YOU to do the work!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gov forming civil war mexican war wars!.!.!. technology improvement western expansion etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chapters 1-14 in The American StoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

google it!Www@QuestionHome@Com