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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know anything about a cop named Benjamin Wallace shot in Harlem in t

Question: Does anyone know anything about a cop named Benjamin Wallace shot in Harlem in the year 1946!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Benjamin Wallace was a black Police Officer in harlem, appointed in 1928, and who was very respected by the community he served and was known by many as 'sugarfoot', so called because he stood 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 280 pounds but walked very softly!.

Some people argued that Wallace was over zealous and that this is what got him eventually killed, but others favoured the officer and said the community was a better, safer place with his presence around and upholding the law!.

On january 2nd 1946, Wallace was responding to information he recieved by the community that a known criminal Raymond Griffiths was drinking in a local bar and grill with a gun, on entering the establishment on Lenox Avenue, he asked Griffith to stand, and on doing so, Griifith produced his gun and fired at the officer which critically wounded him, Wallace however, even in this state, managed to fire 5 shots at Griffiths and the criminal died on the premises, Wallace was taken to Harlem Hospital where he fought for six days finally losing his battle with life!.

The Police Department posthumously honoured Benjamin Wallace with it's highest possibe accolade, the medal of honor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com